Toronto: World’s Third Most Courteous City

If anyone doubted me for mentioning it again and again during conversations, or if someone thought I was justifying my being there, or if someone had a snarky retort like “of course you’d find it nice in the beginning”…

To all of the above: Here’s an informal poll by Readers’ Digest which places Toronto as the Third Most Courteous City in the world. I’m sure the Greater Toronto Area also qualifies.

Torontorians are some of friendliest and politest I have come across (and I’ve been to quite a few cities around the world.) And I have experienced it first hand.

Now it’s public.

In case you haven’t visited the link above and are wondering which city is on top, it’s – surprise, I know – New York City. And the least polite… Bombay (or Mumbai as they now call it.)

First Published: June 21st, 2006


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